Meta Neumann (1859-1943)

This biography was produced by Rivka Nessim from two eulogies written independently by Fritz Majer-Leonhard and Karin Schimmelpfennig. The earlier of these was published in German in ‘Christuszeugen aus Israel’ (1955). The copyright in that work is held by the Evangelisher Missionsverlag GmbH Stuttgart.  When Meta was a child, she passed by a crucifix and […]

The truth that sets us free

Faced with a chronic stomach ailment that no doctor could diagnose or cure, Bathy Tuelekeje turned to a sangoma (African “witchdoctor”) for help. This brought temporary relief, but cost Bathy his freedom – his life was now controlled by the witchdoctor. In this testimony Bathy bears witness to the love and truth by which he later regained his health and freedom. […]

The Thirty-six Righteous – Simon Wiesenthal’s tribute to Anton Schmid

This is an extract from chapter seventeen of Wiesenthal’s book, The Murderers Among Us, (Joseph Wechsberg, ed.), published in London by William Heinemann Ltd (copyright 1967 Opera Mundi, Paris). Anton Schmid was a devout Catholic who suffered deeply when he saw other people suffer. He was also a man of exceptional courage. His story might never […]

From Judaism to Christ – Bernhard Angel

This testimony first appeared in the January 1928 edition of Zions Freund. We are most grateful to Rivka Nessim for translating it from German into English. I was born in Bucharest, the beautiful capital of Romania, on 5 September 1860. [1]  My first impressions of Christianity led me to believe that the persecution of the Jews must be […]

Rabbi Marcus Hoch – later known as the Rev. John Neander (1812 – 1885)

Rabbi in Lehe in the German state of Bremen, 1830s. “In the early period of my life as a teacher, I was zealous for the rabbinical Judaism that was still widely practiced at that time. I tormented and exhausted myself trying by the works of the Law to lead a pure and holy life before […]

Professor August Neander

Dies auch in Deutsch erhältlich This biography first appeared in the Zions Freund of December 1934. Johann August Wilhelm Neander was born to Jewish parents at Göttingen on 17 January 1789, as David Mendel. At an early age he came to the Johanneum in Hamburg, where he obtained a brilliant matriculation and gave his farewell […]

Professor Franz Delitzsch

Dies auch in Deutsch erhältlich This biography first appeared in German in the ‘Zions Freund’ of December 1934. Professor Franz Delitzsch was born in Leipzig in 1813 and, on his own testimony, of simple middle-class stock. He lost his father in 1836. The position of the young Delitzsch was quite depressing, but a Jew, Hirsch Levi, […]

Werner Simonson – German judge and Anglican minister

From WAR AND GRACE – Short biographies from the World Wars, by Don Stephens, published by Evangelical Press, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH, England Reproduced by permission of the publishers Available in South Africa from It was October 1914. The First World War had just started. On the western front French and German armies were already locked in […]

Dr. Arnold Frank

This biography was first published in the Neuer Zion’s Freund in 1965. This is an edited version of an English translation by Ruth Hanson for the British Messianic Jewish Alliance. Used with permission. Arnold Frank was born on 6 March 1859 in Schuja, Hungary, where his father was a respected magistrate. His parents were pious Jews and gave their eight […]

Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner – Holocaust Survivor

From WAR AND GRACE – Short biographies from the World Wars, by Don Stephens, published by Evangelical Press, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH, England Reproduced by permission of the publishers Available in South Africa from Moving quickly, fourteen-year-old Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner, known as Hansie to family and friends, drew back the curtains of her bedroom window. Aroused early […]