Professor Franz Delitzsch ist nach seinen Angaben von einfachen Bürgersleuten in Leipzig 1813 geboren. 1836 verlor er seinen Vater. Die Lage des jungen Delitzsch war eine sehr gedrückte, aber ein Jude Hirsch Levi nahm sich seiner an, und ohne dessen Hilfe würde er eine höhere Schule nicht haben besuchen können. 1846 wurde er Professor der […]
Dr. Cahn
Dr. Cahn and his wife had a large joint medical practice in Duisburg, Germany. One day, two Gestapo men appeared at their house and ordered him to remove his brass plate from the door, for, as a Jew, he was not allowed to attend non-Jewish patients. He and his wife were dumbfounded. The indignity of […]
Rabbi Dr. Müller
From Rabbis meet Jesus the Messiah – a collection of 24 biographies and testimonies of Rabbis encounters with Jesus the Messiah © Messianic Good News. The success of the monthly magazine Zion’s Freund, published by our Jewish mission in Hamburg, was largely due to the fact that on the first page there always appeared the picture of some […]
Rabbi Jacobs
From Rabbis meet Jesus the Messiah – a collection of 24 biographies and testimonies of Rabbis encounters with Jesus the Messiah © Messianic Good News. During the reign of the last Czar, the Jews of Russia were often cruelly persecuted, mobs rushing into the Jewish quarters to rob, wound and even kill. As at that time America had […]
Rabbi Berg
From Rabbis meet Jesus the Messiah – a collection of 24 biographies and testimonies of Rabbis encounters with Jesus the Messiah © Messianic Good News. I personally knew six Rabbis, who publicly confessed Jesus Christ as their Saviour, although this meant the loss of everything that was dear to them. Rabbi Berg told me the following story of his […]